Friday, October 15, 2010

"I believe the appointments we'll be making will demonstrate a desire to do things differently as we go forward,"

People who read CBC are weighing in on the blatant partisan appointments made this week.

Read it here.

Just getting the dirty work out of the way or is this the new administration?

Cabinet Review

The cabinet in not as bad as it could have been.

There are a few left out who possibly could have been in, like Glen Tait.

A few put in who may be over their heads, insert a few names here.

A few old hands left out, Bev Harrison, Wayne Steeves, Kirk MacDonald, Dale Graham. At least one of these people will probably be speaker though.

Best pick is Blaine Higgs in finance.

Surprise pick is Bruce Fitch in Local Government, may be a sign of big changes on the way in that department.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Today is Cabinet Day

Today the new cabinet will be sworn in. Here are the predictions to some concerns for people focused on freedom and smaller government.

Q Will Alward return to the old boys and girls of Lord or bring in a team with many fresh faces?
A Old boys and girls

A There are very few fiscal conservatives on the Tory roster, will they be prominent ministers, second tier ministers or backbenchers?
A Second tier and backbenchers, with the exception of Bruce Fitch.

Q Will he play old school politics and appoint a group of under-qualified people merely because of their geography, language, gender or past support?
A Almost exclusively

I hope I am wrong.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stop the Tax Cuts. We Are Not Finished Spending Your Money

Good to see that university profs have not changed.

Send me your money. I deserve it.

But he is open to tax credits for those people that do not pay tax.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Is the NDP Right?

The NDP is talking deficits and debt. At least they have part of the issue on the table.

New Brunswick suffers from too much government. Too many laws, too many regulations and too many people on the payroll.

The NDP may talk budgets and deficits, but they still suffer from thinking more government is the answer, whether it is labour legislation, nanny state solutions or higher taxes.

At least they are making noise about the other parties fighting to see who can take the most money from the working class and transfer it to their friends. Only thing is, the NDP still wants your money, they just have different friends.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Promises, Promises

The race is on to promise the world to the voters of NB.

One of the best of the week is the Premier's promise to add another statutory holiday in February. This is the best way to promise things with other people's money, you do not even have to seize the money first, just force employers to pay people to stay home.

And the government gets their cut of course, with income, CPP and EI taxes to boot.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Is Anybody Listening?

We have a fiscal nightmare on our hands, and our leaders have their heads in the sand. Will this be the Ostrich Election?

Even the Telegraph is writing about it.